Monday, April 23, 2007

Gardening: YES!

The weather finally broke here over the weekend. It is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !!

I've begun digging, planting and re-locating plants... uncovering things that had been put away for the winter, cleaning up and all the rest. It is so great to get back at it again. I've planted several small rhoddys and a beautiful "walking stick" tree. The huge old magnolia tree went from buds to bloom in 48 hours. The leaf buds are popping on all the trees. The daffodils and other bulbs are bobbing their heads in the breeze. Ahhhhh... this is my time of year!


Jess said...

Wow! Flowers. I'll have to come by and see them.

Carol Soules said...

Yes, and my new Walking Stick tree too :-)