Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Private Gardens of Stockbridge & Lenox Part 3

Meetings and planning for the fast approaching school year are ramping up so... please forgive the delay since my last post.

Now back to my blog tour of the Private Gardens of Stockbridge & Lenox as seen in the recent Garden Conservancy's Open Days.

The third house & garden we visited was the Garden of 1826 Pease-Lincoln House in Stockbridge. The original gardens here were designed by Daniel Chester French and have been expanded by the current home owners, to extend all the way to the Housatonic River at the back side of the property.

Closer to the house are more formal, traditional gardens and statuary.

As you journey further along into the woodland area and down to the river, the design becomes more causal and whimsical.

Along the river, tucked into the bushes, is a tea house and a row of great birdhouses off all sorts. Multiple paths and loops draw the viewer into various side gardens including a peaceful area with hammock and another with a small firepit. So much to little time. Definitely a delightfully different garden experience.


Gail said...

I love this one! Especially as it get more whimsical...the trail with bird houses, the little framed house, so many nice surprises!

Anonymous said...

Nice place. I really would want to take an inside look of that.