Saturday was a blogger's highlight here at Sweetside as fellow garden blogger John of Wiseacre Gardens came from Upstate NY to Amherst making a special visit and delivery of a fabulous rock for my stream. A detour threw him off and the trip took much longer than he anticipated but he persisted and eventually found his way here. In 4 years of blogging this was the first time I have had the opportunity to meet someone I've "met" thru the blogosphere.
Thank you John!
Once I find the perfect spot for the lovely rock I will post a picture of it in its new home. to Maine for a few days to wrap up a busy but great summer! UMass begins in 12 days and next week is one prep meeting after another. I am hoping for a beautiful Fall to carry me through. I'll be headed out to my favorite local farm stand to buy Fall mums and add their splash to the landscape soon!
Rock rocks! and even more the meeting of somebody from blogosphere :) these world seem to become one. There is no virtual reality anymore.
What a wonderful gift! I love rocks, too and meeting a blogging friend is great!
Great rock and how nice for you to finally meet someone thru blogging. I met my first fellow garden blogger last June in Scotland, great fun!
Oh goodness! I forgot to leave the bill.
Ha! now you know why I got rid of it. I couldn't find the right spot for it and it was driving me crazy. Why else would I drive to Mass and risk being captured by the liberals.
I love rocks and that's a beauty! A big hello ...
It is always such a pleasure to meet a fellow garden lover and blogger! Love your rock and can't wait to see it in situ.
What a great gift, it' s a very impressoned rock!!! How wonderful that you met a blogging friend. I had some visits from bloggers and I visited some bloggers and gardens, it' s always very interesting and thrilling, but always very nice.
I wish you very soon another blog visitors!!!
Have a great time Wurzerl
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